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We extend a warm welcome to our Ukranian family now living among us. We welcome you to our community and pray that you live among us in peace and freedom.

Thank you for your warm welcome to me and to Fr Michael Smith for celebrating Sunday Mass for us bi-weekly. Fr Maurice has now moved to his new accommodation in Leeds. We wish him every happiness and a long retirement there.

St Elizabeth of the Trinity (Carmelite mystic). Spiritual Thought: (St Elizabeth of the Trinity, Have we not all received the spirit of adoption as children? By little touches, the Carmelite sister extends has aspirations for union with God to every Christian.
When we choose love that is forgetful of self, we find everywhere the secret of growing in love even in our relations…with the world and in the midst of pour cares of life.
Whether in the cloister or in the world , Elizabeth recognises only one Christian way, that of love in everything, and of attention to God present and prevenient.
Collected Works Vol 1 p. 87/8) [Message

Fr Christopher WilliS