Remember that the Word of God is sacramental and at a time when you cannot receive the eucharist, how about reading the Word of God, the Acts of the Apostles and St.Paul in particular?

Near the end of his gospel, Luke writes:  “And now I am sending upon you what the Father has promised.  Stay in the city, then, until you are clothed with the power from on high.”

Then in Acts, Luke gives us a very orderly account of Pentecost.  After this the apostles were ready to go out and preach the gospel of repentance and forgiveness. Did it really happen like this, were the apostles in Jerusalem waiting for the birth of the Church or for the end of the world and Christ`s second coming.  Does it matter in the end; we are still awaiting the end of the world and Christ`s second coming and still preaching the gospel.

Meanwhile the Holy Spirit makes us one body.  How do you see this? How do other people, not part of the Church see it?  Is it love incarnate, or is it a kind of totalitarianism?